Friday, January 18, 2013

Climbing my Mountain

Friday, Jan 18, 2013!

Wow... I've been writing little blog posts, but since they're not edited, I've not posted anything up!  *shock*

Here's one I wrote on Jan 6th...

There’s a song I used to listen to a long time ago call Salty the Singing Songbook. My mom bought this whole stash of cassette tapes (yes... I did say cassette tapes, not CDs!) and we'd all listen to the tapes over and over and over again while my dad drove the RV for our family's annual summer vacation.  No one could say these trips were short... we'd be sitting in the car for 3-5 days at a time, just to travel one way!  I remember these Salty cassette tapes, each an hour long, running through two, three, or sometimes even four times before we'd pull the tape out and change to _another_ Salty the Singing Songbook tape!  Wonder if the talking, high pitched children voices, or even the repetitive stories bothered my parents?  *smirk*  I remember loving it!

What started my reminiscing into the past? Well, just a couple days ago, one of my brothers sent a YouTube link of a video of Salty the Singing Songbook... ummmm, I didn't know that the tapes were based off the video.  *sheepish grin*  Playing the video online, it's sad to say, but I could mouth the songs and words as an echo of the cassette tapes from many years ago.

As I'm struggling with difficult decisions... questions on how and where to serve in ministry, tough choices in my own life, management of finances, overwhelmed by multiple committments... I hear this song:

One step at a Time… 
We only need to trust God for the strength 
To step up the mountain 
One step at a time

When something seems too hard to handle
Too hard to conquer 
Too far away to touch

When all your dreams begin to shatter 
And deep inside you
You’re hurting oh so much

That’s when it’s time to say

Climbing my mountain, step by step

Climbing my mountain, day by day

Climbing my mountain, all the way

Climbing my mountain, I’m going to make it

One step at a time (x3)

With Jesus by my side

One step at a time (x2)

I’m climbing my mountain 
One step at a time

Even though, you might grow weary
Don’t be discouraged

In our weakness God is strong

Remember this
He will never leave you
He won’t forsake you
He’s your strength and your song

I’m climbing my mountain 
One step at a time…

Where God leads
This is what I will do
Trust in God, one step at a time
To trust him for courage for boldness, for strength, for wisdom…
To pick me up when I stumble, when I make mistakes
In all the up coming craziness
God is good and I will trust in his promise and his goodness.

May you all be blessed and encouraged when you struggle through the tough times in life... to be at peace, to have abundant joy, to live in hope... Happy New Year!!!

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