Saturday, April 25, 2015

Feeling the Pain

“Food allergies?  Well, besides dairy, gluten’s pretty bad.  Yeah, feed me some and I’ll show you what happens!”  *wide grin*  “Want me to try some?”

No one ever takes me up on the offer; honestly, I’m not serious either.  Even though I can list the side effects of ingesting a product with gluten, it’s been months since I remember actually having to personally deal with the situation.  Bad experiences fade over time…. Or rather, Kristy’s brain is like a sieve and I don’t retain a lot of information unless I’m actively using it!

While shopping for groceries, I find a yummy guava juice that I used to drink years ago.  *drool*  Nothing  in the ingredients state gluten; I can’t find anything online pointing one way or another so there’s only this huge unknown “natural flavor” ingredient.  I know that depending on what the “natural flavor” is and what it’s made from, there is a chance the ingredient contains gluten.  *shrug*  Well, so far almost all the natural flavoring products I’ve come across are safe.  I’ll be fine.  Even just a small fraction in the juice should be okay right?

Wrong.  Oh am I so wrong about taking my food allergies lightly.

Saturday evening, my whole midsection hurts, but I’ll live.  *shrug*  No big deal, I’ve dealt with this situation before, I can do it again.  Today will be achiness everywhere; tomorrow I’ll feel bruised inside; day after I should be back on my feet.  Easy.

Well... not quite so easy.

Sunday morning… okay this is beyond NOT fun.  Each breath I take sends flashes of pain ripping through my abdomen; deep inside, muscles spasm, twist and knot.  I clench my teeth, my arms and legs are tense as I hiss in response to the pain.  Panting with shallow breaths, I attempt to minimize all movement.  Wait, what if I roll to my side?  Rolling (not even an inch), I quickly stop as waves of agony wash through my mind.  This is so NOT a good idea.   Returning to rest in my original position, I move slowly, freezing as each small muscle twitch amplifies into minutes of prolonged agony. 

Great… why didn’t I remember how bad the pain is?  Was it this bad before?  I can remember every instance where I had trouble moving due to pain… this doesn’t top my worst day, but it definitely makes it into my top 10 most painful experiences list.  Grrrr… This will pass right?  By tomorrow, my insides will feel like I got punched black and blue, but I should still be able to work.  This pain, I just have to hold on for one more day… after that, I’ll get better again.  I always get better.

Finally, the long-awaited Monday comes.  YAY!!!  Knowing that my pain should be gone, I twist my body in an attempt to snuggle deeper into the comforters.  Instead, I barely move and my eyes pop open as fresh waves of pain assail me.  What’s going on?  I didn’t have abdominal surgery again did I?  No, this is much worse.  After each abdominal surgery, even without pain meds, I could still move.  Right now, I hurt so much that I’m afraid to move anything.  I can feel my insides shifting with gravity.  The dull ache’s expected, but I’m surprised at how the smallest movements still send shards of hot knives through my abdomen… mostly just on my right side.  Ahhhh… got it… right side is where my largest tumors are.  Meh.

Frozen in a partial roll, I debate my options.  Well, today _is_ better than yesterday right?  Nothing inside is torn, probably just inflamed.  I’ve got to get up some day anyways.  Jamming my arms into the bed, I vault my body upright.  Gasping for air, my mouth opens but my body refuses to take a breath in!  Frozen, my head spins, my body feels both weak and yet trembles with tension.  Stop… this hurts too much!

                             Slow breaths

Pain is only a sensation.  There is no injury.  I have no wound.

I need to stand up.  My back refuses to straighten.  I hurt.  Shuffling forward, each step drives nails into my abdomen.  There’s no way I can make it to work today; I can’t even walk properly much less attempt to treat patients!

Tilting my head up, I look at myself in the mirror.  Oh, this looks good… my back is curved into a half cirlce, my shoulders are up by my ears, I can’t straighten my knees.  Oh yeah… this posture will inspire so much confidence towards me as a therapist.  Okay… today’s a no go for work… back to bed.  Slowly, slowly… move, pause, breathe, relax.  Repeat.  I can do this.  I can get back into bed… then I can relax.  For now, just ignore the pain.  Pain’s still there.  Ignore it.  Pain alone can’t kill me.  Keep moving.  I got this far away from the bed, I can make it back.  I will make it back!

Father God, as always, you provide in amazing ways.  Usually, my CT scan is scheduled first thing in the morning, but this time you set my appointment in the afternoon.  I tried calling radiology a couple of times to move the appointment earlier but could never get through.  Every time I even thought about changing my CT scan appointment time, you stopped me.  End result?  Your timing is perfect.  Your plan is flawless.  I couldn’t get to my CT appointment any earlier than my scheduled afternoon slot.

*wide grin*  You’d think I’d learn my lesson already!  When you provide Lord, there’s a reason; even if I don’t know what your reasons are, everything always turns out better than just right!

Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to take care of this body even as I push it to the limits.  Thank you for taking most of the pain away.  Thank you that I could go back to work on Tuesday, have Wednesday to rest, work on Thursday, have Friday to rest… and then sucessfully work on Saturday with the help of a co-worker who decided to freely volunteer her time, totally unpaid, to help me get through the day.  As usual, God, your provisions, your timing… everything is better than perfect when I lay my schedule, my activities, my life at your feet.

Thank you, Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit… for loving me so much that my life is better than anything I dreamed of as a child.  Thank you for the challenges to grow me.  Thank you for the difficulties that allow me to see you in action.  Thank you for the love you shower on me.  Thank you for times of action and times of rest.

May I continue to seek you, Lord God and you alone.  For in your presence, I am complete, I am whole, I am satisfied. 

I lift my hands in praise to my amazing God who allows me to dwell in his presence, who gives me better than the best, who fulfills every need and heals every hurt.  In Jesus’ name I lift my voice in praise, amen.

This is me crawling out of my new mild hyperbaric oxygen chamber gifted by my parents, my brother, Winston, my sister, Jessica, and her husband, Andrew.  Thank you guys for the awesome gift!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Shaped Under Fire

What date should I set to start chemotherapy?  When's the latest I can delay the tests?  May? June?  Forever?

I'm scared. 

I don't know what I'll lose this round… maybe nothing, maybe everything. In chemotherapy, there are no guarantees except that foreign chemicals are placed into the body… and this time, it’s for a clinical trial. 

There are so many things I still want to do!  I want to participate in my friends’ wedding with no issues.  I want to play in a paintball tournament again.  I want to rockclimb.  I want to hang out with friends without limitations.  I want to host a paintball event.  I want the strength to finish projects!

*Deep sigh*


The purpose of my life isn't in my activities or my capabilities.  I thought I already made the decision to trust in God's provision?  To live the life he’s calling me to live so that his presence will shine… to do this, I can’t do things my way.  My wanting to delay chemotherapy may be the safer and more secure route, but living for God isn’t safe.  Where’s my faith and my trust in him unless I let him lead?

Knowing God, if he wants me to do paintball, participate in a wedding, work, rockclimb… I’ll be able to do it all; chemotherapy or no chemotherapy has absolutely no say in my future.

Lord Jesus, help me completely trust in you, your power, your abilities, your timing, your love for me.  Take away the hesitation that says I don't trust you.  Take away my fear because you are greater than all your creations combined.  Give me strength to do your will and not my own.  Focus my sights on the eternal future and not the temporal. 

Father God, as I once again place my life, my future treatments, my hopes and dreams into your hands... Show me that you are greater than everything and anything!  Set the test dates, doctor appts, schedules, chemotherapy, work... All these, Lord Jesus, I let go and place into your competent hands. 

Thank you, In Jesus' name I pray, amen. 

After I let go of insisting on doing things my way, all the pre-chemotherapy test dates fall easily into place; one after the other… no arguing, switching dates around, pushing to get the tests done closer together… it’s all set.  *Laughter *  Go figure… when I let God work, he does it all so easily.  There’s no way I can schedule all the tests, appointments, meetings, timing of every as well as it is now set. 

*shrug * Chemotherapy to start on May 13, 2015. 

I’m ready... I think.  *wide grin * I love a good challenge!

I’m excited to see how God will show himself.  I look forward to the physical and spiritual battles ahead knowing that the war is already won.  When I focus my eyes on my relationship with God, I am more than satisfied with this life, I love it!  Health, money, time, hobbies… none of these can replace the walk I have in Christ, the safety I have in his presence, the peace I have in his unbroken promises. 

My heart pounds with the unknown future, but I can joyfully state that I know God is in complete control; whatever happens or doesn’t happen, I get to see my amazing God in action, to personally experience his power, to undeniably feel his love.  What better life than to know the God of creation’s got my back?

See you all next time!

Picture of my newest creation under hot flames and still not hot enough!  Eventually, I had to block the opening and use two torches... just barely got the metal hot enough to solder the silver.  =D

Friday, April 3, 2015

Living with Cancer

Tumor (Kristy’s definition): unwanted mass of useless living tissue; a glorified weed located in the body; a source of fear, pain and acknowledged mortality.

I know my CT scan was positive for tumors 4 months ago.  A large part of me is hoping that the tumors in my body would shrink.  Another part of me hopes that the tumors would disappear and never return! 

Striding down my hospital hallway, I flip through freshly printed papers.  These are the new results of my most recent CT scan with contrast.  Chest, still clear.  Good.  Abdomen… ahhh, here I go again.  Am I ready?  I don’t feel ready.  Shaking inside, I see that not only do I have more tumors, but the ones seen 4 months ago are all twice as large as before.  Wait, these tumors are almost half the size of my fist already?  More tumors than before?  Great, my third abdominal surgery was just a year and a half ago and the chemotherapy after that physically wiped me out… I do NOT want to deal with all this cancer stuff anymore!

*deep sigh* 

I’m just starting to get stronger.  I’m finally back rockclimbing and attacking the 5.10-5.11 climbs.  I no longer tremble with fatigue and physically crash so hard I cannot move the next day.  I’m getting better again! 

Do I have to lose my strength?  Do I really have to face becoming physically useless?  I don’t mind losing my hair for the third time, but will I have to give up working?  Give up paintballing?  Give up rockclimbing?  Give up driving?

My chest hurts.  My hands shake.  My vision blurs.  Once again, do I have to place my dreams on hold?  This time around, will I even get back on my feet again?  How many chemotherapy trials are enough?  How many surgeries before I choose to stop?

Father God, tears drip from my eyes as I face the potential difficulties ahead.  The last round of surgery and chemotherapy was extremely rough… it took me over a year to recover and I’m still not where I used to be.  Lord, what’s it going to be this time around?

God, I acknowledge that you are in complete control of my life, my future, my abilities… I know that even through the toughest of times, I get blessed by seeing you perform impossible miracles.  I know that when I am weakest, I notice most your strength, your love for me, your provisions, your amazing power.  Father, even as I get to see you more clearly, I’m still scared.  I hate losing control of my life.  I hate being bedridden.  I hate not being able to actively work and play.

Lord God, you know that I love the challenge of playing unique sports.  In rockclimbing, I get to enjoy the thrill of almost falling, savor the adrenaline of pushing through almost impossible spots, wallow in the sense of accomplishing a difficult goal.  With gentle balance on one outcropping to a light touch on another, I get to fly through the air, occasionally grasping handholds I’m too short to reach.  Success and failure intertwined.  Trial and error.  A twist here, backstep there… I swing my body up and over large round boulders.  Smooth transitions, dynamic leaps.  I can feel my body stretching and muscles sliding as time slows down.  Lord, the impossible becomes possible if I only try hard enough, push hard enough, let go of my fears.  Focus.  Determination.   Tender palms and achy forearms, but I know that I’m alive!  New bruises form.  Excitement.  Tension.  Pure stubborness.  I’m going to make it up or fall trying.  This is what I feel when I climb, knowing that you are besides me every step of the way.

Lord, I don’t want to lose this part of myself!

Then, Father,  there’s paintball.  I’m finally able to get back on the field, still slow, but at least I can play!  I enjoy the thrill of dodging paintballs, protecting my teammates, hunting down my opponents.  Even while breathing hard, I know that I should be able to do even more.  If I can remove the mental limitations, anything is possible!  Shouting out positions, dashing from one bunker to the next, keep my head low and gun up… as I play, satisfaction and disappointment intertwine as one game blends into another.  Lord God, because of you, I’ve learned that there’s no such thing as failure, but there’s always the opportunity to try again.  Again and again, I want to hone my body, my reflexes, my abilities.  I want to continue challenging and being challenged to grow.  I want to feel the rush of a job well done. 

God, I know that it’s only through you, that I’ve made it this far, that because of you in my life, I can confidently jump forward into the unknown… knowing that if I stray too far or push too hard, you’re there to catch me.  Father, it’s because of the security I have in you that I can so fully live my life.  Lord, because of your amazing love, I can take joy in the struggles that come my way.  Father God, thank you for giving me peace.  Thank you for guiding me in medical decisions.  Thank you, Lord God, that I am never alone.  You are my strength, my joy, my purpose.  Without you, Lord, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

Lord God, thank you for letting me see your provisions.  Thank you for this period of time where I got strong enough to climb rocks and play paintball again.  Thank you for the opportunity to work with tools on fun projects and acquire many beautiful orchids!  Lord, in you, I have peace knowing that this path I walk has a purpose, that my life is not useless.  Thank you that I can continue to serve you by serving those around me.  May my walk with you bring you glory and honor.  May my attitude in good times and bad speak clearly of my relationship with you.   May your presence shine in my life and my lifestyle so clearly none can deny that you exist.

Lord, for as long as you allow it, I will continue to go all out… to work, to play, to enjoy this life to the fullest extent that you have blessed me with. 

Give me patience to wait on your timing.  Give me peace to face the challenges ahead.  Give me hope that in you, all is well.  Give me joy in your presence.  Give me strength to forge ahead.

Lord, may I never stop serving you until one day you call me to rest.  Until then, give me the heart to use all the talents and gifts you give me so that I can complete the tasks you call me to.  Lord, in this life, I choose you first.  Give me the strength to live for you first above all my own hopes and dreams.  Help me acknowledge that in walking with you, I lose out on nothing.

In Jesus’ name I give God my past, my  present, my future, amen.

​At the 2015 March CEPL tournament #1... Noel being weird.