Thursday, August 1, 2013

Before Surgery

At work:

What do you like?
Ummmmm... kettle corn.
Okay, what else?
Okay, chips... what else?
Uhhhhh......        *blank*
Fine the, breakfast or lunch?
Lunch... I think?
Hey!  Where did you get that food?  From the truck?  Is it good?
Yeah, let's all eat lunch together and get food from the truck!
Yes!  That sounds great!  Hey everyone, let's eat food from that truck on Tuesday!

Yup!  We're a rowdy group that enjoys good food... and recently... a slew of gross stories!  Many that are related to bugs!  *smirk*

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Today, we celebrate!  This is kind of embarrassing, but... we're celebrating "Kristy Day!"  My friends at work are soooooo cute!  I feel super loved, warm and all fuzzy inside.  Yay!!!

8 different _large_ bags of chips (or was it 9 bags?), 2 bags of kettle corn, flavored Kit-Kats and Pocky flavors that can't be bought in the United States.  *drool* On the side, there was a full spread of cheese, fruit, candy, drinks.  So much yumminess!

This is the demolished chip stash at the end of the day!!!
At lunch, we walk out into the warm sunshine, a group of green scrubbed, blue-gowned, capped and shoe-covered hospital workers to pick-up lunch. Together we shuffle our way towards the construction area where the truck is parked, gather 4 bags of goodies and shuffle our way back inside.  Yummy food!  I grab a little bit of food here, taste test a little over there, much off of another's plate, scoop a bit of soup... YIKES!  There's a LOT of food!  =D

The joy of hanging out together, of celebrating life and work with close friends... I don't have the words to express my joy and my excitement!  Sitting back, I soak in this atmosphere.  Wow, God has really blessed me with wonderful co-workers.  Together, we make a family... able to laugh together, cry together, play tricks on each other and help each other!  I can't imagine myself working anywhere else!

We just started using a cool new (for us) technology at work, a machine that uses ultrasonic waves and water to remove unwanted tissue from wounds.  A little water splashing here, a drip of blood there... and  a beautifully clean wound.  =D  Yes, my thoughts are kind of morbid, but this is what I do at work and I love it!

End of the day:

One by one, my co-workers leave.  I soak in the warmth from gentle hugs, arms wrapped firmly across shoulders and backs.  I have a few ends to tie up,  papers to complete, emails to write, desk to clean... the office becomes quieter and quieter...  background sounds dwindle... first slowly, then quicker and quicker as each person leaves.  In the quiet, I give my desk a final wipe, remove a lonely staple, pack away my flowers, toys, papers.

Looking around, a wave of sadness washes over me.  It's not like I'll be gone from work forever... just 11 weeks.  Eleven weeks sounds too long.  Already, I miss my friends at work.  I miss the laughter, the squeamish-bug stories, the energy, the life and even the work itself.

This is my desk... AFTER I cleaned up!  =O
August 1, 2013

I'm at Stanford...super sleepy.  Tripping over a chair, stumbling to get the internet key code... my brain is filled with a dense fog as I try and finish the blog.

God, I give this procedure up to you, I'm not clear enough to think right now, but I thank you for this life and where I'll go and do after this surgery.  Thank you, Lord God, for your blessings, for your peace and reassurances.  Thank you for all the support, love, encouragement, help, prayers and fun acitivities I've done recently!

In Jesus' name, amen.

See you all later!!!  =D

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