Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Reason for Marriage

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What Sunday continuing education course should I take?  Honestly, the main option is finance.  With the recent household budgeting and reallocation of finances,  Noel and I both feel that we have a fairly decent grasp regarding this subject.  So for Sunday classes after the sermon, what's left?  Well... the other option is a course on marriage.  To join this course, both Noel and I need to agree on participating.  Well, why not?  I'm sure there's always more to learn about our marriage... I don't know what that might be, but well, we've been married for close to 8 years now and I doubt we've experienced everything.  I'd rather learn where our weak spots are than to have a problem hit me in the head years later and go "how'd that happen?"

First question given as homework: why did I decide to get married?  What is my goal/purpose in being married?

Wow... so deep.   Honestly, I don't think I've ever so clearly taken the time to work out the answer to this particular question.

Kind of interesting.  Every large event I help host, each fellowship I participate in has a purpose, a goal to work towards.  Why not our marriage?  A life-long commitment with no purpose and no goal sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

So why did I get married?  What is my main reason?

Did I get married to always have someone there for me?  Did I get married to have a person to snuggle with or enjoy the physical benefits?  Did I get married because people expect me to?  Did I get married for security or to have kids?  Did I get married to change my life, have someone to grow old with or for the attention/excitement?

Ummmm... None of these reasons quite hit the spot.  I mean, none of these answers are wrong... these questions all contain reasons for why I got married.  But... what's my main reason?  Why did I choose to marry Noel?

In the Bible, Ephesians 5: 22-33 is a source of many heated conversations about the role of husbands and wives... this section states that the Biblical purpose of marriage is to reflect Jesus Christ's relationship with those of us who follow him.

How does this mesh with my primary requirement for a husband?  A man who demonstrates the ability and will to follow Jesus Christ above my own selfish desires... one who can be a leader and partner with me ... one that matches my personal life goal... to grow more in knowing and following Christ.

Even with Noel's weak areas and my own personality defects... in Noel and with Noel, I see the potential to learn more about this Jesus I follow, to have someone (who frequently rubs me the wrong way and I rub him the wrong way) support each other in becoming more than we individually are as followers of Christ.

Lofty goal huh?

However, in these past 8 years... I can definitely state that walking with Noel, fighting with Noel, meshing and sharing with Noel our different personalities, hopes, dreams, wishes, wants... that together, intentionally with Jesus Christ as the head, guide, and final decision-maker of our household... I have experienced and continue to experience an amazing, supportive, loving marriage that continues to meld two very different people into one.

I will continue this life-long journey... rough edges just starting to wear smooth... sharing a single committed focus with my best friend, my lover, my husband.

Father God, I again commit to staying married to Noel.  I want to have my marriage be a reflection of your commitment and your relationship to those who follow you.  I want this marriage with Noel to grow us as followers of Jesus Christ in ways we never could by ourselves.  I want this marriage to show me a world of you that I cannot attain by my own power, by my own will, by my own way.  May my marriage with Noel bring you glory.  May our struggles and hardships make your presence shine ever brighter.  May I continue to live with my goal and Noel's goal pointed in the same direction with you at the helm.

In Jesus' name I ask,  amen.

Noel gave me this photo printed on metal for my birthday!!!  God creates such beautiful colors!  <3 br="">

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