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Wrap Pull
I'm starting to get tired.
day is just starting so I really shouldn't complain. My co-worker is
helping by lifting the patient's leg. Really, all I'm doing is leaning
over the bed and stretching an ace wrap in a spiral pattern from the
feet up the leg. Working on the second leg, I can feel the smallest
tremor in my muscles. Already? How in the world am I going to make it
through today? Not by my own strength that's for sure!
goal is to serve where I am. Using everything God's given to me, I
want to provide my patients the best service possible. But how? I'm
confused as to if and how I need to moderate my own activity. If I go
all out, will I have the endurance to continue with all the treatments
needed throughout the day? Will I get burnt out? Should I save some of
my energy in reserve for later? How much is too much and how little is
too little?
Lord God, I'm
really confused. I know you have the ability to give me strength beyond
my own, but I also know you've blessed me with a brain capable of
learning my own limitations. When do I use what you've given me and
when do I lean on you for more? I really don't know enough and I hate
the answer "each situation is different so it depends." Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
All I know, Father God, is that I am here, working a weekend day...
kind of lonely but never alone.
I was scheduled to work Sunday. Thank you so much that I didn't! Not
knowing until afterwards that Sunday (working completely in the burn
unit with no assistance from another therapist) there was a patient who
got discharged and 3 new admits... all requiring a lot of effort and
time... AND a handful of current burn unit patients that all needed
therapy. Yikes!
Lord, with
my current abilties, there's no way I can serve all the patients in the
burn unit to meet the needs of what Sunday required. Instead, you
provided a switch where my co-worker willingly took my Sunday so that I
can work on Saturday instead. Father, you blessed me completely by
providing another therapist to lean on, enough time to complete all my
paperwork, and that all my afternoon patients with wounds came early!
Honestly, beats me how I exactly made it through Saturday. Definately not by my own abilities!
God, all I know is that I continusously prayed throughout my entire
work day: begging for wisdom, asking for stregnth, requesting your
assistance with the timing and types of treatments... the list goes on
and on. And the coolest thing? You helped me more than just survive
this Saturday of work, but allowed me to thrive by providing everything
from therapy and timing to patient participation and staffing assist.
Father God, to you I give all the glory and praise!
fact that I can work, knowing that if my back is ever in a corner, you
always open a way out. So yes, Lord, blindly I follow. Each step.
Each day. When I'm scared. When I'm lost. Into your care I leave all
the many things out of my own control so that I can serve others as
you've shown me through the examples of Jesus Christ. Continue to give
me strength in my body, endurance during my treatments, stability of my
body when I'm fatigued, a positive attitude in you and peace in the
knowledge that I'm never alone, never truly stuck, never fully hopeless
or helpless.
Thank you,
Father God, that I can so enjoy work, in serving and in being served,
exactly where I am. Wherever I am, whomever I'm with... may you
continue to shape my heart to seek you and to serve others... not for my
own pride nor self-satisfaction, but to glorify you.
will work with all my heart to you, O Lord, and not to man because you
promised to never leave me, to never forsake me. Dwelling in your
presence, I will never be alone, never truly lack for anything... so
please, Lord, continue to teach me how to serve you right here and right
In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Having fun with the toys (Amanda's getting kind of squashed LOL):
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