Friday, May 25, 2012

Why be Christ-like?

Friday, May 25, 2012

My friend, Stephen, asked me a very good question.  I really wanted to post the contents on this blog, so I got his permission to share!  Hurray!!!!  Thanks Stephen!  =D

Here's part of what he asked:

"One thing in the blog that make me think a bit longer.  You said "Am I being Christ-like?"  As you know, I'm not religious at all but this statement made me wonder.  If I was religious, is the goal to be like Christ?  Isn't it a bit hard to achieve being Christ-like?  Just some thoughts because no matter what people believe, I am interested in how people live."

This is my response:

 In regards to your question... super good question.  I had to stop and really think about it.  =D  I'll try my best to answer, but feel free to ask more questions okies? 

I'll start first with what I can easily answer and go from there.  Yes, you're totally right, it's super hard to achieve being Christ-like... in fact, it's totally impossible because the Jesus Christ I believe in is both God and born human, perfect with no faults or mistakes, judgement and action always right... but it's still something I strive towards... not the perfection, but Jesus' relationship (when he was on earth) with God the Father.

Being religious, the goal may not be to become more like Christ... for me, being a Christian is a belief, one not based necessarily on rules, but on my heart and relationship with God.  From my point of view, the rules are there as guidelines to help... but God's main intention, according to the Bible, is to have a personal relationship with me.  Out of my relationship with God comes my heart to love others, intention of wanting to be closer to God (in which case, obeying rules can help me from straying further away from God... doesn't in and of itself get me any closer to God). 

I see following God and Jesus as me being like a little kid who has a parent who loves me very much and wants the best for me.  Wanting to please my parent comes from my heart, wanting to emulate him and use him as a role model.  The rules like "don't touch the fire because it'll burn you" is how I take the rules found in the Bible.  I have a choice in what and how I do things, but at the same time, my choices will affect my attitude and my relationship with my parent (in this case God).

As a Christian (means "of Christ" with the connotation of "follower of Christ" ... something like that)... you'll see many ppl's definition and personal take on what it means to be a Christian.  Some follow rules, some don't.  Some know all about the Bible, some act all perfect... etc.  That's not the type of Christian i want to be.  Ummmm... from studying the Bible and learning to take it in context (a LOT of stuff is quoted out of context... didn't know this until I really started studying the Bible and not just reading it), I learned that this God I follow is one who wants a personal relationship with me.. who created me just as I am as a masterpiece being formed, that "sin" means to be "apart from God" not just about doing "bad" things... and that like a congenital disease, I'm born with this natural separation from God... I find that the more I know about Christ/God, the more I want to emulate him.  This doesn't mean things will go smoothly or well... in fact, usually means more challenges.  But the choices I make (when I make them) to attempt to follow Christ... I find more fulfilling and joy-filled and peaceful even in times of heartache and turmoil than when I choose to do things my own way... I actually find that doing things my own way usually leads to more struggles and pain.

For example... using the "don't touch the fire example,"  if I intentionally touch the fire and get burned... I'll cry, throw up a fuss, want to blame others, make those around me miserable and irritable so that they can share in my pain, etc... that's how i tend to act.  Not very pleasant, but a part of myself I know and see in many different situations.  So through testing limits, observing myself in many situations... when i take the time, I have a pretty good idea how I act... and I don't like that part of myself... the selfishness, the hurting myself/others, the loneliness, being lost...

Then there are times when I want to learn more about God through the life of Jesus on earth... to be as close to God as possible by emulating Christ or what I think he would do/act in my situation... these times feel different... living more like Christ gives me a sense of peace, a knowledge that with God's help and not my own faltering power, anything can be possible, a sense of purpose and hope.  And I've seen God act in my life in ways that are undeniable... not by mere chance... unexplainable.  and I feel that if I continue to seek this God and get to know him better, there's no way he'll hide himself from me... especially not if the entire basis of my relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ is based on love, not rules or manipulation... can't get too far wrong there... I hope?  *wide grin*  The whole "going to heaven when I die" thing... that doesn't mean I get whatever I want in heaven (what's money and stuff really worth to me in the long run anyways?)... beats me exactly what I get except that I get to be in God's presence... to have that perfect relationship with this awesomely loving God without imperfection in that relationship between him and me.  That's my goal-in-progress... to please my Father God in what I do, say, act by copying the clearest example i have... Jesus Christ.

I see the Bible as a storybook of God's love as a father and creator, a book about redemption and salvation... not just one about rules or death... but a book to give hope, provide advice and guidelines...a diary written by God the Father for his children so that I can get to know him better.  

Jesus is my role model.  My personal goal is to get closer in this relationship I have with God; which in turn, changes me to become more Christ-like (John 15:9-11)
Have a great weekend everyone!!!  I'm off to the youth Bigfoot retreat!!!  Pray for us!


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