Monday, June 25, 2012

Scary Backyard Project, part 2

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Noel and I couldn't lift the concrete grinder from the trunk of my car.  I'm too weak to carry my part of the load.  *sheepish grin* 

As usual, God totally provided!  Just as we realized that we couldn't pull the machine out.. into the complex comes Andy, our neighbor.  I'm sure we looked pretty helpless because after he parked his car, he came by to help.  *wide grin*  Yay!!!  Praise the Lord!   Two guys to lift the concrete grinder out of my car's trunk is much more effective than one guy and one weak girl.  *wink*

Now with the concrete grinder out of my car... we're READY!

Noel fights with the concrete grinder as I hold the hose out of his way.  Physically, I'm no use.  If Noel falls or the machine tips... not too much I can do.  There's no other way for me to help, so I pray.  I'll do my best to guard Noel while praying really really hard!  *sigh*  I feel really helpless and very useless right about now.  =S

Father in heaven, thank you for the opportunity to rent this machine again.  I ask that you help give Noel the strength and wisdom in managing the concrete grinder.  I ask that you guide his hands in how to approach each crease and crevasse.  Father, help guide the machine so that it runs smoothly and nothing breaks.  May the diamond grinding plate not fully wear out so we can get some money back!  *wide grin*  In Jesus' name I pray, amen!

Between periods of grinding, Noel rests while I spray water to clean the slippery silt.  Then we both squat down and take a close look at the ground to assess where still needs a little more work.  *wink*  Thank God for Noel... he really does a great job!

Upon Stephen's arrival (for those who may get confused, this Stephen is my neighbor), I go inside and chat with his wife and play with their dog, Mango.  Every now and then, I peek outside.  Wow!!!  Noel and Stephen really have this grinding thing down!!!  They take turns, one with the grinder, the other with a secondary hose to keep the dust down.  So efficient!  =D

By 2:45pm... it's DONE!!!  *drool*  The red stone inset with gray/white concrete really is beautiful.  The main part of the backyard is smoother than I ever expected!  As a bonus, we even got some money back because we only wore down the grinding plate halfway!  HURRAY!!!  *so excited*  (I love saving money!)  Important note: Stephen's technique and light touch with the concrete grinder prevented the grinding plate from getting chipped as badly this time around... leading to money back!  Heheheheee....  *happy smile*

Backyard is done!!!!  Well... almost.  I just have to grind the edges a little more with a hand grinder my dad gave me.... then it'll be finished!!!  In comparison to all the hard work Noel and Stephen did today... I did absolutely nothing!  Hehehheheee... I come up with crazy ideas... then I delegate.  *wink*

Next steps:  finish laying out the automatic watering system, clean and repaint metal shelves so that I can dangle orchids from the scaffolding, lay shade cloth so the orchids don't burn in the sun... then probably replant the veggie garden that just got demolished by the excess of 2-4 inches of sandstone mud particles.  *shock*  Who woulda thought that this project would be soooo messy! =O

Father in heaven, thank you for blessing me with the help needed to complete my extravagant projects that tend to require more work than initially expected.  *smirk*  Thank you so much for providing our neighbors, Stephen and Andy, as well as many many other friends and family and neighbors, to help with completing the surface of our backyard.  Without their help, this project wasn't going to go ANYWHERE!  I'm so happy that this year-long project is finally complete!  Hurray!!!!

Also Father, thank you for providing such a supportive hubby who is willing to help me complete these extravagant ideas that I can't complete on my own... thank you for placing into my life, my husband and partner... to work together... supportive and loving, strong and gentle. 

Thank you, Lord, for providing all that we need and more through the support of family and friends as Noel continues to search for a job.  In these 4 months with a significant decrease in income, Noel and I specifically want to honor you by continuing in our full tithes and gifts to missions as well as continuing to pay the same amount into our debts as before... To this point in time, neither Noel, nor I, have needed to dig into our savings!  Miraculously, Father, with your blessings, we are able to continue paying above and beyond into our mortgage... we are able to buy groceries without having to count the cost of each item... somehow Lord, even as we continue to give you our "first fruits" in regards to our money, trusting that you will provide... you have shown your power even in our finances!

Thank you, Father God, for the abundant peace that I can always find when I seek to follow and obey you.  Thank you for the partnership I continue to build with Noel as we face challenges together with you as our guide.

In Jesus' name I praise my Father in heaven for always providing above and beyond... amen!


  1. Hi! Glad you showed pictures, because I had been confused on what you were working on... =)

    1. Maybe I should post pictures of the whole backyard process? It's really amazing from start to finish. *smirk* Huge difference! =D

      Thanks for reading my blog!!! *hugs*


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! *big hugs* --Kristy