Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

Sunday, Oct 28, 2012

Today is the big day! 

Noel, Melissa and I have been constantly praying for God to bless this pumpkin carving event: weather, location, people coming, our attitudes, enough food and drinks... that everyone who comes will have fun, meet new people, expand our neighborhood community... and my personal worry, that God will provide enough pumpkins!

Lord Father, my head's a jumbled mess.  I'm super excited today... for what you will do, who you will bring, the people I will get to meet or even just the opportunity to deepen friendships!  Part of me is worried about how many pumpkins we have.  Other parts of me are concerned about having the right set-up, enough tables and chairs so that everyone coming can feel comfortable, welcome, and relax.  Lord God, I have no idea how this whirlwind event will turn out, but you definitely made this day possible!  The sun's out, the air is warm, a cool breeze floats through the trees.  Outside, quiet and peace prevail.  In my nervousness, my thoughts are jumping around... Do I have enough utensils?  How about food?  Drinks?  Ahhhhh... part of me knows everything will turn out great!  But another part of me worries that I'm missing something.  I dread the start of the event, but I'm also sooooo looking forward to the fun!  Basically, I feel that I'm pulled in two directions, one knowing that you, Lord Father, will provide... and another part worrying about if I've fully prepared my part.

So Lord, I ask that you give me peace, joy, a fun-loving attitude, a heart to serve, wisdom to take care of whatever unplanned circumstances happen... Lord, I give this day and this event into your hands.  My initial intention is always to serve you first... and I know that when I serve you, Father, you provide and guide everything else... so Lord, help me to let go and be who you've called me to be today... to be who you've made me to be as I serve you and not myself.

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Set-up... a little rough.  I should've planned the even layout.
Food, drinks, utensils, tables and chairs... no problems!  God provided everything we needed and more!
Pumpkins... totally had extra left... so much that I returned a bunch.

Weather... beautiful sunlight, breeze, cool shade.
People... got to know my friends and neighbors better... super fun time hanging out.  I especially loved dunking my arms up to the elbow in soapy water to create bubbles!

Lord Father, looking back... all my worries and fear... useless!  I feel so silly wondering about the logistics of the event, how the event will play out, wondering who will come.  The heavy weight of my fears now feel insignificant as you have taken care of all potential issues.  Father God, thank you for the blessings of a super fun day, a time to serve and be served by others, a day to share in laughter and memories, and even new friends who stayed a LONG time to help clean-up.

In Jesus' name a thank you, God, amen.

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