Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pathology report

Finally got my official pathology report!!! Yay!!!

Quick definitions (hope I'm getting these right... having to compile my research into regular English is tiring!):

*Neoplasm or tumor just means an abnormal growth/proliferation of cells/tissue in the body where it doesn't belong... kind of like weeds in a garden, these cells can grow and spread.

*sarcoma is a cancer arising from the embryonic mesoderm, certain layer when the body first forms to create different types of muscles and connective tissue (such as bone, cartilage, blood).

*malignant cancer means these abnormal cells spread into other areas.

So what does my report actually say? *drum roll*

I officially have "spindle cell sarcoma favoring dedifferentiated leiomyosarcoma" and another area states "given the large size and abdominal location, we favor the diagnosis of smooth muscle neoplasm of uncertain malignant potential."

What does this mean? *wide eyes*

Even though I'm in the medical field, this report took me awhile to process in a way even I could understand!!! *shudder* This is medical terminology at it's worst! *smirk*

First part says I have a connective tissue cancer suggestive of a leiomyosarcoma (smooth muscle connective tissue tumor) that doesn't look like the original cell type it came from. Not so bad right? *grin*

Second portion is just a fancy way of saying that the pathologists don't know how bad or good my cancer is. See? Simple right? *wink* Different cell samples they took demonstrated varying speeds of cell division along with varied cell shapes.

There's a whole bunch of fancy medical words saying that they gave me this diagnosis and specific labels because it didn't fit with the test results of other cancers, and size, and location, and that this isn't my first surgery to remove a large mass in the same area... Lots of big words phrased really nicely. *wide grin*

I have a grade 2 sarcoma (FNCLCC grading system)...still researching if this really means anything to me. I give myself a intermediate rating since this grading scale only goes up to a 3. *wink* From what I looked up, 3's the worst option... I think?

At the very end of my report, it reads that "there are many unusual features to this lesion." My tumor samples have varying characteristics... And God created both me and my body very uniquely!!! *wide grin*

Thank you God that I can take such amusement while my results puzzle many medical staff members. Thank you for the joy and even the laughter I am able to take in a potentially frustrating report. =D Thank you, Father God, that I am vastly enjoying this process of learning new terminology, new medical options, new stuff!

Lord, please continue to help me and Noel keep a positive attitude. May our lives, our words, our actions speak loudly of your powerful presence in our lives. May you bless Noel and I to lean on you and not on ourselves, to depend on your knowledge, your plan for our lives, your goodness. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you are a fair Lord; however, I believe that the Bible tells us that you are a just and loving God. Thank you for being willing to bless Noel and I with the work and lifestyle you've called us to. Thank you that instead of just stepping in to make everything better... you, Father in heaven, are willing to work through us, your children, so that we can be blessed and see your power and glory in action on this broken earth.

In Jesus' name I give you, Lord, my life and my thanks, amen.


  1. Dear Krity -- Some almost good news. I have been thinking about John 9 and the account of the man born blind when I think of your situation. Jesus said he was born that way so that God would be glorified. I cannot say what level of healing or method of healing the Lord has in His plan for you, but I already see His glory through your writing about your trust in Him and I see His love through you strength of spirit when I see you at church. You are both an encouragement to me about the power of God's love and the faithfulness of our Father to be with us in serious struggles of this life. I continue to add my prayers to the rest for your best health and for His peace that is greater than the world's peace to be a canopy over each of you. May our Jesus continue to hold you in the snuggest hug as He walks alongside you and Noel on this journey. love, auntie jean

  2. So sorry your name was typed wrong. Comment should say
    Dear Kristy -- Some almost good news. I have been thinking about John 9 and the account of the man born blind when I think of your situation. Jesus said he was born that way so that God would be glorified. I cannot say what level of healing or method of healing the Lord has in His plan for you, but I already see His glory through your writing about your trust in Him and I see His love through you strength of spirit when I see you at church. You are both an encouragement to me about the power of God's love and the faithfulness of our Father to be with us in serious struggles of this life. I continue to add my prayers to the rest for your best health and for His peace that is greater than the world's peace to be a canopy over each of you. May our Jesus continue to hold you in the snuggest hug as He walks alongside you and Noel on this journey. love, auntie jean
    November 11, 2011 11:17 AM


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! *big hugs* --Kristy